Policy Services


Establishing and maintaining effective, clearly written policies are among a board’s foremost responsibilities. Current policies are essential to good management. Board policies serve as a guide to staff as they develop administrative regulations. Policies are also important tools in the decision-making process.

Supporting board policy development is a primary mission of OSBA. Our services include policy drafting and maintenance that meet legal requirements and your specific needs.

Policy Services

This rewrite process encourages discussions, consensus building, and clarification of policy and related issues, resulting in a complete, up-to-date policy manual.

Policy Desk Rewrite

This desk rewrite service provides analysis and policy drafting using available OSBA sample language resulting in a complete, up-to-date policy manual.

Charter School Policy

Public charter schools are unique and need to have a complete policy manual that reflects charter school-related state and federal laws.

An analysis is a review and assessment of a board’s policy manual.

Subscription Packages

Policy Plus +

Policy Plus is an upgrade to an existing policy subscription. OSBA applies language published in Policy Update to the subscriber’s existing manual and sends electronically for review and adoption. Here is how it works Subscribers pay an annual fee to participate. Subscribers must continue or subscribe to a subscription for manual maintenance service or web-hosted policy manual.

Web-hosted Board Policy Manual +

See how easy it is: Visit the web-hosted policy demo .

Certain conditions and other costs may apply.

Policy Manual Maintenance +

Save time and increase productivity with this service performed by OSBA.

The subscriber can access Policy Update to download the recommended updates; OSBA suggests applying/transcribing the recommended changes to current policies and administrative regulations. At times, a complete replacement may be suggested.

Send OSBA the final version of newly adopted policies and/or administrative regulations, in Word, with the adoption date, and with changes apparent, including strikeout of deletions, tracked additions and resolution of all bracketed language.

Policy staff will make revisions as requested to the subscriber’s electronic documents maintained by OSBA and return newly reformatted policies and/or administrative regulations, including new adoption dates, legal references, and cross-references, in Word.

Certain conditions and other costs may apply.

Policy Update +

An online subscription service providing updates to policies and administrative regulations. An online subscription service providing updates to policies and administrative regulations with a brief discussion of current policy issues of concern. Model sample policies and administrative regulations reflecting these issues and changes in law, if applicable, are included. The model sample policies and administrative regulations (AR) are intended to provide a basis for drafting policies and ARs that meet local needs. The model sample policies and ARs may be used to determine areas for which policy and procedure should be developed or revised and as a starting point for discussing the local board’s policy position. The update and recommended policy and administrative regulation model samples are not meant to replace the advice of legal counsel. Policy Update subscribers can download an electronic version of the model sample policies and ARs in Word format from the OSBA membership portal.

Charter School Access +

Public charter schools may access any subscription with a Memorandum of Understanding from their sponsor. Contact your school’s sponsor and OSBA to aid in accessing this subscription today.