How to File a Complaint With an International Business

With so many businesses and consumers alike doing business with corporations overseas, it's likely that a dispute may occur in which the company or consumer needs to file an international business complaint. According the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), which operates in cooperation with 26 countries, including the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. tops all other countries with company complaints filed on, a website run by the ICPEN. The U.S. is followed by China on this list of complaints filed between January and June 2010.

Go to the website. Select "Report Your Complaint." Read through the What you Need To Know section. Then, select "Report Your Complaint" again. Enter your contact information in the appropriate field, along with the complaint information. The complaint information is important, and you are encouraged to provide as many details as you can to help in the research of your claim.

Go to the website. Select "Resolve Your Complaint," then press "View an international directory of ADR Providers." Read through the things you should know. Then select "Proceed to the ADR Directory." ADRs are typically third-party organizations/companies that act to resolve disputes between a consumer and a company in that particular country.

Select the country where you want to file the complaint. If the country is not listed, go to the "All countries" option. Follow the directions on the country's website to file a complaint.

File a complaint with your credit card company, if you have a dispute that involves merchandise that was defective, an unauthorized charge, services not rendered or not rendered in the way agreed upon. Note that in many cases you will be asked if you've tried to resolve the issue with the company directly prior to filing a complaint.