This paper describes the primary purpose of the Freeway and Interchange Geometric Design Handbook is to present the fundamental concepts and practices that are related to freeway and interchange geometric design commensurate with the state of the art. While it is recognized that geometric design procedures for freeways and interchanges may vary among various agencies, this handbook sets forth the techniques and procedures that have been applied successfully on numerous constructed or reconstructed projects. The handbook focuses on geometric and operational characteristics of freeways and interchanges. Nearly every chapter describes geometric design and operational analysis procedures with examples and a multitude of figures, tables and photographs. A systems planning and engineering approach is applied in the geometric design process. The process considers all roadway facilities (freeways, interchanges and crossroads), incorporating other transportation modes as well as accommodating pedestrians and bicycles. The handbook is intended for use by transportation planners and engineers with a basic background in the underlying fundamentals of geometric design and traffic engineering. The handbook is not specifically developed as a textbook but rather as a useful reference for professionals in the related fields of geometric design and traffic planning and engineering. By reflecting the results of current research and recent planning, geometric design and constructed or reconstructed freeway and interchange projects, it also should prove valuable as a complement to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition (Greenbook), the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and other design publications.
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